Los tiempos del bardo2020-08-04T06:08:20+00:00

hiperrealidad, alta velocidad, simulación, automatización, mutación, ¿un fraude?

Book Cover: Los tiempos del bardo

Los tiempos del bardo es un análisis lleno de vitalidad de las culturas contemporáneas.

El libro describe cómo experimentamos colectivamente las etapas líquidas, fluidas, entre épocas. Esta fluidez forma parte de una mutación y alumbra nuevas modalidades de pensamiento. 

Los tiempos del bardo explica que la gente es quien, en último término, marca la diferencia, y que la mutación en curso en nuestras sociedades tecnológicas puede impulsarnos finalmente a cuestionar y comprender la naturaleza de nuestra humanidad esencial. 

Qué se dice de Los tiempos del Bardo

«El libro más importante desde el Biskuitkuchen Manifesto. Si este libro no le impacta como un juggernaut, tampoco lo hará un yáganath»

Josué Badulaque, ex-filósofo.

«Tras leer este lúcido y extraordinario libro, todo mi mundo cambió. Nunca más volveré a ser la misma. Estos poderosos pensamientos me convencieron para que hiciese un voto de silencio; desde que terminé el libro no he vuelto a hablar. Eso sí, mi marido no está demasiado contento». 

Amapola Jones, Kentucky.

«El mundo es una impostura, y este libro explica por qué. Abrió mis ojos a rincones oscuros. Siempre pensé que era una persona inteligente; ahora sé que estaba alucinando. Agradezco a Los tiempos del bardo que me haya devuelto a la tierra. Desde entonces he renunciado a mi trabajo como banquero de inversión por un futuro mejor». 

Duncan Plaff, Camposanto.

Publisher: Beautiful Traitor Books
Cover Artists:
Hilos de Oro2019-03-29T09:43:59+00:00

Palabras para cada día y para cada corazón

Book Cover: Hilos de Oro
Publisher: Beautiful Traitor Books
Golden Threads2019-03-29T09:40:46+00:00

Words for every day, every heart

Book Cover: Golden Threads
Publisher: Beautiful Traitor Books
bardo times2020-08-13T12:19:42+00:00

a narrative poem in twelve parts

'bardo times - a narrative poem in twelve parts'is a poetic journey through some of the quirks, memes, issues, and twisted logic prevalent in our modern cultures.Our lives have become hyperreal, high-velocity, a spectacle, a phantom, a performance, an automation, a mutation.We crave for connection, experience, and meaning.A mutation is underway and we’re yet to come out the other side.The hope for transcendence remains.We ourselves are the incandescent flickers of redemptive hopewithin the unreal gnostic machinery of night.The flickers of light that adorn our reality arebut the embers of a greater truth.Let’s awaken to the Light…

Publisher: Beautiful Traitor Books
bardo times2018-12-04T12:54:22+00:00

hyperreality, high-velocity, simulation, automation, mutation - a hoax?

Bardo Times takes the reader on a journey through some of the quirks, memes, issues, and twisted logic prevalent in our modern cultures. Foremost is the ‘entertainmentification’ of everything - from news and politics to science and truth. In the bardo state, our lives become hyperreal, high-velocity, a spectacle, a phantom, a performance. New industries evolve to help ‘program’ the emerging myth into our reality - perception management, pop spirituality, fear manipulators, algorithm makers, automation engineers, and the spinners of Gnostic cinematic memes. Like most journeys, there is discomfort and uncertainty, and yet there is safety at the far shores. Bardo Times explains that it is people who make the ultimate difference, and that the mutation underway in our technological societies may ultimately push us to question and understand the nature of our essential humanity. The alternative would be a permanent state of neuro-totalitarianism. The future is open.Bardo Times is a haunting exploration of a world that nobody has a hang of – yet.

Publisher: Beautiful Traitor Books
Cover Artists:

What Readers have said:

‘The most important book since the Jellyroll Manifesto. If this book doesn’t hit you like a juggernaut, then neither will a juggernaut.’ – Joshua Lemonhead, ex-philosopher.

‘After reading this remarkable, lucid book, my whole world changed. Never will I be the same again. These powerful thoughts convinced me to take a vow of silence. I haven’t spoken since I finished the book. My husband isn’t very happy though.’ – Dandelion Jones, Kentucky.

‘The world is a fake, and this book explains why. It opened my eyes to dark corners. I always thought I was an intelligent person. Now I know I was being delusional. Thank you Bardo Times for bringing me down to earth. I’ve since quit my job as an investment banker for a better future.’ – Duncan Splat, Gravedigger.

¿Preparados para el Cambio?2018-11-21T18:35:57+00:00
Book Cover: ¿Preparados para el Cambio?
Publisher: Beautiful Traitor Books
Beautiful Traitor2019-03-28T13:12:05+00:00

An Anthology of poems 1992 – 2012

'Beautiful Traitor' is an anthology of poems that represent twenty years in the author's search for meaning in life – or life through poetry. Kingsley L. Dennis has personally selected these poems that begin from 1992 and continue until 2012. As the author states in his introduction: ‘At the age of twenty, with mysticism and magic in my head, the search had begun…’ This unique collection reflects a personal odyssey that has taken Kingsley from the UK to Prague, to Istanbul, and through his many years working both abroad and in the UK as a teacher. However, whilst these poems reflect a sense of place, the real location they describe and reveal is the inner homeland. It was from here that Kingsley L. Dennis undertook the majority of his traveling. This book will appeal to poetry lovers, seekers of life, and anyone interested in the personal thoughts and inner life of the author Kingsley L. Dennis.

Publisher: Beautiful Traitor Books
In Your Body is the Garden of Flowers2020-08-04T05:41:14+00:00

A Tapestry Of Tales

'In Your Body is the Garden of Flowers - A Tapestry of Tales' is a dreamlike voyage that takes the reader through a multilevel scape of stories that weave together. It is a hazy work of fiction that masks many lucid truths. Nothing seems quite real in these tales, as the reader is taken almost imperceptibly through the door of each one. There are two principle narrative threads running simultaneously; each distinct yet somehow interlinked. As if a metaphor for our current sense of reality, the author makes us question the very validity of our waking hours. Beguiling and enchanting.

Publisher: Beautiful Traitor Books
Songs of a Man Who Died of Love2018-11-21T16:39:34+00:00
Book Cover: Songs of a Man Who Died of Love

This is first and foremost a book about longing…emerging from out of nowhere, and merging into the unnamable. It stands as a collection of poems, paeans, and prose pieces that praise the spaces of intense yearning. This collection was originally conceived as a companion piece to a now unpublished novel, brought forth between 1999 and 2000. These bursts of expression – of language desperately attempting to find form – exist now as a stand alone assemblage of words made flesh. To accompany the 19 paeans of longing the author has included 19 original photos taken from his personal collection.

Publisher: Beautiful Traitor Books
New Seeds for Earth2018-11-21T16:33:01+00:00

New Seeds For Earth is the author’s first new collection of poetry in five years. In those intervening years the author wrote almost no new poetry, focusing instead upon his research publications and books. In 2013 a new seed of inspiration bloomed – and produced this book you now hold in your hands. Thirty-seven nameless poems – and twelve beautiful original colour photographs - bring to life the author’s internal world as he tries to reach out to those ‘almost imperceptible spaces of humanity.’ As the author writes in one of his poems – And like a lemon grove of softened beds, of indistinct smells, I feel the flow of the thousands of decisions that have finally brought me here to this moment.

Publisher: Beautiful Traitor Books
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